Advice For Homeowners: Don’t Hire Me! part 2

In part 1 we talked about you the homeowner deciding to run your own remodeling project as the GC. We got as far as the demo.

So here we are, your kitchen and dining room are bare to the studs. The smell of century old dust lingers in the back of your nose and you survey the wide open space in the comfort of your LL Bean slippers and your morning coffee. Then the reality hits you. “Who’s going to put this place back together?”

Off to your laptop.

Step #5 You need a carpenter And may God have mercy on your soul. Seriously. You will have better luck taking $10k down to Foxwoods and putting it all on red. But now you have no choice but to send out the bat signal and try and find Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy Inc, LLC, corporation to do the next phase. Not Mr Fullway Decent Carpenter Guy and Associates, because he is not available and even if he was, he doesn’t want your job, so you’ll be fishing out of the halfway decent pond. This pond has everything from absolute hacks that should be in prison to your average Joe carpenter with a van and a set of tools, and if you’re lucky, maybe a magnetic sign on the side.

The first step of step 5 requires Craig and his big list. You will post your ad on the Labor Gigs section with a full description of your job with all the juicy details. If you are really a glutton for punishment you can post your ad and include what you are looking to pay by the hour. Here is where it gets fun. Offer too little and you will get everything you deserve. Offer too much and you will get more of what you deserve.

Disclaimer #4 . I apologize for the sarcasm here, I really do. But as a professional licensed remodeler, even I CANT find a Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy when I go trolling so how the heck are you Mr and Mrs HGTV Homeowner going to do it??? Just sayin

So after you find your carpenter guy, promise me to do one thing or should I say, don’t do one thing. Don’t pay him until he has done something. I’m not saying not to pay him anything until the job is done because that varies depending on the size, but no deposits and never let him get ahead of you. You will supply the materials and have them delivered so there is no need to front any money for halfway decent guy.

Good luck with this step and remember that carpenters are like a box of chocolates…….”I got you some ice cream Lt Dan”

Step #6 You need an electrician guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #7 You need a plumber guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #8 You need an HVAC guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #9 You need a board and plaster guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #10 You need a hardwood flooring guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #11 You need a finish carpenter guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #12 You need a tile guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #13 You need a counter top shop guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #14 You need a painter guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #15 You need a glass shop guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Step #16 You need a carpet guy Repeat step #5 but replace with Halfway Decent Carpenter Guy with the appropriate aforementioned Guy.

Disclaimer #5 I am assuming for our little exercise that you are not doing an addition. In that case you would need to find additional guys: Excavator Guy, Foundation Guy, Flat work slab Guy, Siding Guy, Roofing Guy, Mason Guy, Driveway Guy and Landscape Guy…

Also… check references, go look at some of their work, get copies of their insurance and licenses, make sure to understand everything that they are doing, supervise all their work and inspect it for defects and last but not least lock up your dog. Sorry

Step #17 The final inspection Finally, after all that and just 4 weeks later…..your job is finished. You hired all the subs yourself and paid cash and saved a bundle. You shopped online, bought closeouts and picked up all the materials yourself and saved another bundle. The building inspector comes in, admires the beautiful work and signs the card. You pop a cold one and enjoy the sweet  smells of a newly completed remodel!

Ready for phase II?


Nathan Dishington has been a General Contractor in the greater Boston area since 2002.  He shares his experience, advice and anecdotes from the wild world of residential remodeling to TRY and help bring some sanity for both contractors and homeowners alike.




Nathan Dishington

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